Sarah is Beauty Revived | Ogden Senior Photographer | Senior Photography


You know that feeling when you meet someone and you are drawn to them the minute you say hello-when your spirits connect? That is how I feel about Sarah.  Sarah is a remarkable young woman who I have had the opportunity to photograph and get to know.

I was chosen to be part of the Beauty Revived 50 Beautiful Seniors campaign and have had the privilege of having Sarah and her story printed in the Beauty Revived magazine that was just released today.  I have felt so honored to get to know Sarah and her story!

Sarah has a huge heart and spirit to match.  Sarah was born with Cerebral Palsy, which might discourage some a bit, but not Sarah.  Her legs don’t always work the way she would like them to. She has a hard time going up and down stairs and even taking her shoes off.  And sometimes, at the end of the day her legs hurt pretty bad.  But that doesn’t keep this girl down.  She just keeps keeping on.

I was amazed to watch her in Weber High’s musical, “Mary Poppins” as she kept up with the rest of the kids as they literally flew up and down those stairs in the auditorium.  The whole time she had a smile on her face.  I know it was harder for her than most of the rest of those kids, but you would never know it to look at her.  She had the time of her life!

I have cheered her on when she was named editor in chief of the school newspaper. What you should know is that Sarah is a published author and quite a writer of words.  She has donated all proceeds from her book, “The Rose Garden” to help children at Primary Children’s Medical Center. She also is the Sterling Scholar in English at Weber High.

Sarah has an amazing smile, beautiful eyes, a strong spirit of optimism and she is just downright beautiful.  In Sarah’s words, “I think that everyone is born with a magical power: kindness! It has the power to change the world, and we all have it inside of us."

My life has been completely blessed and forever changed because of Sarah and I am so very thankful to call her my friend.
